Training Camp for Dads
Workshop Overview
Training Camp for Dads is a workshop where expecting fathers work together to prepare for a new season in life, fatherhood. Rookie Fathers and Veteran Fathers will discuss the challenges of being a new dad and develop practical solutions to overcome those challenges. Fathers will also be given an opportunity to practice some of the basics such as changing diapers, swaddling and car seat installation. When men facing a common challenge get together, a teammate type of bond develops, and they can talk openly about their experiences and what’s on their mind.
*This workshop is facilitated by a trained Childbirth Educator and may qualify for reimbursement by your insurance provider.
We ask that you consider making a donation of your choice to allow us to continue providing the Training Camp workshops free of charge. Your donation allows us to provide all of our mediation services, fatherhood workshops and parenting workshops for free. Every dollar is used to support our mission of maximizing the overall well-being of Nashville's children.